Invest in Herning

Are you looking for a location for your company in Denmark, or perhaps as a hub for the Nordic countries - Herning might well be the place for you to be.

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Facts about Herning

  • 89.127 inhabitants in the Municipality
  • 50.332 lives in Herning city (2020)
  • 13. Largest city
  • 3. largest measured by area

Key industries

Our industrial development was based on the development of the textile industry with wool production back in the 18th century. The area experienced a large industrial boom after 2nd world war and in the 1960s there were more than 400 textile factories in the Herning & Ikast-Brande area. Today we still have many fashion, design and interior companies, but production is no longer local. Other key industries include:

  • metal & production
  • trade, retail & logistics
  • events & tradeshow
  • food & agriculture


One place that you can place your company when you move to or start-up in Herning is in Innovatorium. This is an office building and an office society placed at Birk Centerpark – just opposite to Aarhus University in Herning. The building houses more than 70 different companies, and more than 300 people use it as their daily workplace. For international companies the Municipality offers a free desk for the first 6 months after registration of the company.

Are you looking for facilities for other purposes or perhaps something bigger, we are of course happy to assist you.

Contact us for further dialogue

Are you interested in further dialogue, you are very welcome to contact us via the contact box.


Birgitte Hee Olesen

Tlf.: 96 28 85 05
Mobil: 93 59 49 53

Torvet 5
7400 Herning

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